
I Watched ‘PSYCHO’ for the First Time

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Ever wondered if old classic Hollywood movies live up to the hype? I react to Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho' (1960) for the first time, so you don't have to. What movie should I watch next?

Movie Description:
Phoenix secretary Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), on the lam after stealing $40,000 from her employer in order to run away with her boyfriend, Sam Loomis (John Gavin), is overcome by exhaustion during a heavy rainstorm. Traveling on the back roads to avoid the police, she stops for the night at the ramshackle Bates Motel and meets the polite but highly strung proprietor Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), a young man with an interest in taxidermy and a difficult relationship with his mother.

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watch with me, reacting to movies, iconic movies, movie reactions, Hollywood, pop culture, gen z movies, first time watching movie reaction, movie commentary
