A Stark Reminder for Humanity: Tafseer of Surah Al-Hijr, Ayah 179"@EngineerMuhammadAliMirzaClips
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•In this video, Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza provides a thought-provoking interpretation of Ayah 179 from Surah Al-Hijr, a verse that serves as a stark reminder for humanity. The verse warns about those who are spiritually heedless—those with hearts that do not understand, eyes that do not see, and ears that do not hear the truth. Engineer Mirza explores the profound message behind this verse, urging individuals to reflect on their own awareness and connection to the divine guidance. This reminder is not only for those in the past but is just as relevant to the challenges of today, emphasizing the importance of spiritual clarity and understanding in our lives. Watch this video to gain deeper insights into this powerful ayah and its relevance to our world.
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