Swan River shark attack: Teenage girl dies after being mauled by shark in North Fremantle
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.Swan River shark attack: Teenage girl dies after being mauled by shark in North Fremantle
A 16-year-old Perth girl has died after she was mauled by a shark in the Swan River at North Fremantle, with the tragedy marking the first fatal river shark attack in 100 years.
The girl was pulled from the river near the Fremantle traffic bridge about 3.30pm after she sustained significant injuries to her leg.
Several paramedics were called to the riverbank to save her life, but she could not be revived.
WA Police received a triple zero call claiming she had been mauled near Doepel Street near Sorrell Park, about 2.5km from the river mouth.
Fremantle District Acting Inspector Paul Robinson said police believed before the attack the girl was riding on a jet ski with friends when she jumped into the water after sighting a pod of dolphins.
“It’s an extremely traumatic event for everyone involved and obviously, anyone that knew the young girl,” he said.
“What we’ve been advised issues with friends on the river, they were on Jet Skis, there was possibly a pod of dolphins seen nearby, and the young female jumped in the water to swim nearby the dolphins.”
Fremantle detectives will prepare a report for the coroner.
A witness said they saw a man jump into the river to try to rescue the teenager, describing him as a “hero”.