Can you actually taste a difference between Tomatoes?
In this video, we are doing a deep dive into tomatoes.
📃 Discover recipes for tomato season: www.cookwell.com/discover/collection/tomato-season
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📚 Videos & Sources mentioned:
▪ Does chilling reduce tomato flavor? - www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1613910113
▪ On Food & Cooking, Harold McGee
▪ Greenhouse tomato statistics - www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/galle… the early 2020s%2C greenhouse,tomatoes to the United States.
▪ Greenhouse tomato histoy - www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/45465/15301_…
▪ Heirloom vs Modern Tomatoes www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aal1556
📸 Instagram ➔ www.instagram.com/echleb/
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🐣 Twitter ➔ twitter.com/EthanChleb
0:00 Intro
1:43 What are tomatoes?
4:46 How are tomatoes grown? @epicgardening
8:44 Why are farmer’s market tomatoes better than grocery store ones?
11:57 Should you refrigerate tomatoes?
13:06 BLT Test
16:16 3 Categories of Tomatoes
17:18 Heirloom Tomato Test
21:04 What is the flavor of tomatoes?
22:20 Snacking Tomatoes Test
23:55 What happens to tomatoes when cooked?
25:35 Do Organic tomatoes taste better? (Test)
28:00 What are the best canned tomatoes?
28:26 How to shop for tomatoes year round
🎵 Music by Epidemic Sound (free 30-day trial - Affiliate): share.epidemicsound.com/33cnNZ
Filmed on: Sony FX3 & Sony A7C
Voice recorded on Shure MV7
Edited in: Premiere Pro
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