
Color E-Ink Alternative? HannsNote 2 RLCD Tablet REVIEW

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What do you think, is this E-Paper or not? Because that’s a question that came up a couple of times after I posted the first video of this reflective LCD tablet – the Hannsnote 2.

   / @chalidraqami  

Check out the absolutely brilliant LCARS screen by meWho here: www.mewho.com/titan/

00:00 Intro
00:16 E-Ink vs. E-Paper
02:06 HannsNote 2 Outdoors
05:45 HannsNote 2 Indoors
07:20 USI 2.0 Stylus Support
08:21 CPU & Specs
09:19 Android 13
09:42 Build Quality
10:27 Battery Life
11:56 Conclusion

I'm Chalid, and I've been a fan of e-ink technology for a very long time. I've been reviewing e-ink devices since 2010. After more than 100 different e-reader tests for my German website, this channel is dedicated to sharing my experiences with the latest e-readers, other e-paper devices, and sometimes other tech in English as well.

The tips, tricks and experiences shared are for guidance only; any actions taken based on these are solely at your own risk. Some links in the description contain affiliate links, which means that if you buy something through these links, I will receive a small commission on a purchase at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you so much for supporting the channel.

Color E-Paper, Color E-Ink, Hannsnote, Hannspree, RLCD, Reflective LCD, No Bluelight, No Backlight

#epaper #rlcd #hannsnote
