
Inside the Twin Towers as they collapsed | 60 Minutes Australia

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Two brothers who miraculously survived the September 11 terror attacks captured some of the only footage filmed inside the World Trade Center as the towers collapsed.

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Synopsis | Remembering 9/11 (2011)
Who could forget those images from 9/11 of those gutsy firefighters inside the World Trade Centre heading up the stairs to certain death? Their bravery was humbling. And it was all captured by two brothers who, by remarkable coincidence, were filming a documentary with one of the day's great heroes - Fire Chief Joe Pfeiffer. On the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Liz Hayes met these three remarkable men and shared their memories of that epoch-defining event. All three barely survived that day and still live with regrets that will haunt them forever.

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For over forty years, 60 Minutes Australia have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Amelia Adams, Adam Hegarty, Dimity Clancey and Nick McKenzie look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes Australia.

