
This Music Rots Your Brain.

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HELP ME PAY RENT: www.patreon.com/KRUGSTON

There's nothing like some classic brain rot to get your roadtrip bumping - take care!

Welcome back to the Krugston entertainment hour - this video took around 2 months of consistent work to get done and features over 50 unique folders on my computer that are gonna take up hard-drive space until I leave this earth so you can only dream that I perish quickly!

I shouldn't have to say this but this YouTube video is satire, I don't care what music genre you listen to and would never look down upon someone for liking a specific style of music.

...unless it's 100 Gecs.

DISCORD: discord.gg/sTESp2k
TWITTER: twitter.com/AiroahAnim

Commonly asked questions:
"Hey Noah, what do you use to animate your videos?"
Good question! I use Toon Boom Harmony! ( www.toonboom.com/l )

"What do you edit your animations with?"
Adobe Premiere Pro! ( www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html )

"I want to start my own animation channel, but I don't know how to record my voice!"
Here, try Audacity! (IT'S FREE) (( www.audacityteam.org/home/ ))

"I'm looking for cheap drawing tablets; any recommendations?"
Why, yes! Try the Wacom Intuos! It's SORT OF cheap... ( www.wacom.com/en-jp/products/pen-tablets/intuos )

YouTube functions very interestingly now, I've found that adding tags like Corpse Husband and Dream tend to boost audience how much a video is pushed - this isn't a Minecraft letsplay or some Minecraft manhunt, but it is a fully animated cartoon about a mysterious music genre - perhaps the caretaker? I'll have to be everywhere at the end of time before I tell!!! I've recently picked up some work with some YouTube friends so production is gonna be far and few between as usual. Well anyways, there's a new Airoah video Among us! Sus, huh?!

I love making these videos for the end result but sometimes it's intimidating mental health-wise to consistently work on something that doesn't return too much tangible profit. Living is expensive so hopefully you understand the need to hustle on more sustainable work sometimes.

Thanks for watching my animation! It means a lot to me :)
