
AKP UMC - 468 (46th Anniversary Song)

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AKP UMC - 468 (46th Anniversary Song)

Artist: AKP UMC (AKP Underground Emcees)
Record: JC Blue Records
(Janer Apordo "DJ JANER")
Video: Neil Melled
Special Thanks to
Veritas Clothing Brod Tagart Alvez
Ubec Skeptron Clothing Brod Wawang
Skeptron Wear Brod Bibo
JiveTees Brod Jive
Alpha Iota Chapter,
Pardo & Bulacao Skeptrons
Especially Rho Nu Chapter for the Venue..

Ug sa mga brod nga nagpagamit
sa ilahang mga Motor Daghang salamat sa tanan!
Long Live & Advance Happy 46th Anniversary to All Alpha Kappa Rho in the World!


National Supreme Council (NSC)
Cebu Supreme Council (CSC)
Mandaue Council (ADM - AKRHO De Mandaue)
International Skeptron Alumni of Cebu (ISAC)
Skeptron Alumni of Cebu (SAC)
Central District Skeptron (CDS)
Cebu Skeptron Sorority (CSS)
Ownership of this
"AKP UMC - 468 (46th Anniversary Song)"
is protected by the following :
JC.Blue Records, AKP UMC and Neil Melled.

All rights reserved, Any unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition of this Music Video or any part thereof (including soundtrack) is infrangement of the relevant copyright and will subject the infringer to severe civil and criminal penalties

Free Download:

#AKPUMC #468 #JCBlueRecords #AKRHO #Skeptron #AlphaKappaRho #46thAnniversary
