
Can We Colonize Mars? | A Curious World

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Explore Mars, our closest planetary neighbor, known for its cold, lifeless environment with extreme temperatures and a surface blanketed in dust. Despite its harsh conditions, the red planet captivates explorers and dreamers, holding the potential for human exploration and colonization. Delve into the challenges and possibilities of making Mars a habitable world, from space travel and technological advancements to the enduring spirit of discovery. What would it take to turn this distant world into a new frontier for humanity?

Find the full documentary: curiositystream.com/video/1144
A Curious World, Can We Colonize Mars?

34 million miles away from Earth at its closest, Mars still seems like the next achievable objective in interplanetary travel. What will it take for humans to get to Mars and establish an Earth-independent way of life? Scientists propose housing in lava tubes to changing Mars' atmosphere.

#CuriosityStream #Mars #Space
