Appreciation for the Ocean (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 30
sales@yachtsails.com.au - for any sails from Ray Brown in Adelaide, SA (I went to school with his daughter) We leave divers paradise - Bonaire for our estimated 3 day sail to Santa Marta - Colombia. This passage is known for its wild winds off the coast of Colombia, ranking in the top 5 worst passages in the world. We started out with close to nothing winds and we got to throw the assy up for the first time since the Atlantic crossing. Ohhhhh the beautiful colours. This fantastic weather kept until we were a few hours from arriving at our destination. Then it hit us! Saw some tuna. Unfortunately we didn't catch any. Alfred hasn't been all that loyal to us lately. He's in trouble. I hope you all enjoyed the ep :) Made with love, Elay.
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Song Credits:
Alone - Dead Leaves
The Lunatic - Dead Leaves (dead leaves, you da bomb)
Part 5 - Jason Lyle
Song I cover: One Day Baby We'll be Old - Asaf Avidan
Impending Soltice Blues - Tom Owens
Fill My Gums with Blood - Gengehr
Thanks a million to all of our subscribers following our voyage and especially for those supporting us on Patreon! With your support, we can keep the movies coming and continue sailing around the world and sharing this incredible adventure with you all. Its really is HUGELY appreciated. There aren't enough kind and generous people like you guys out there in this world.
Thankyou guys so much.
Love Elayna & Riley
Sailing La Vagabonde.