
How To Read Parquet Data Using Snowpark | Snowpark Python Tutorial

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This video "How To Read Parquet Data Using Snowpark" is snowpark python tutorial that will help you with hands-on demo and explain how to use DataFrame Reader API to read parquet data file from snowflake name stage location. This video will also explain the limitation with Data Frame Writer API.

🚀🚀 Video Sections 🚀🚀
00:00 Introduction ( Read.parquet API)
00:59 Reading Single Parquet File To Data Frame
04:47 Parquet File & Header
06:30 Reading Multiple Parquet File To Data Frame
03:49 Create Transient Table Using Write API
09:16 Query History

🚀🚀 Snowpark Python Code Example 🚀🚀

🚀 🚀 Everything About Snowpark Playlist 🚀 🚀
➥ What Is Snowpark, Introduction & Architecture? (01/15    • #01 | What is Snowpark in Snowflake  )
➥ What is NOT Snowpark? (02/15    • #02 | What Is NOT Snowpark? | Learn o...  .)
➥ Who should learn Snowpark? (03/15    • #03  | Who Should Learn Snowpark?  )

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➥ SnowPro Certification Mock Test Papers 🌐 bit.ly/snowpro-mock-test
➥ SnowPro Certification Guide 🌐 bit.ly/snowpro-certification-v1


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