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Huge thanks to Black Rifle Coffee Company, Mat Best, and Freddie Wong! You guys made this episode the best one yet. Join Black Rifle's coffee club and never run out of coffee again ► bit.ly/BlackRifleCoffeeClub
Check out Frieddie’s hilarious D&D podcast at dungeonsanddaddies.com
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First and Second Episode of TactiCOOL:
Tacticool Reloads ► • TactiCOOL RELOADS
Tac2cool Reloads ► • Tac2COOL RELOADS
This Episode ►
Niko, Freddie and the annoying New Guy (Mat Best) find themselves in a hostage situation. But when the villain reloads with one hand, Freddie's immediately love-struck, and forced to save her life before she's killed by Niko.
Thanks to our partners;
VFX Elements - bit.ly/TheBest_ActionVFX
Evike all the guns! www.evike.com/
X Particles - bit.ly/insydium_plugin
OTOY - bit.ly/Octane_Wrender
Red Giant - bit.ly/RedGiant_Trapcode
Turbosquid - bit.ly/theBEST_3dModels
Written and Directed by Niko Pueringer: www.instagram.com/nikodig/
Freddie Wong: www.instagram.com/fwong/
Mat Best: www.instagram.com/mat_best_official/
Heather Lynn: www.instagram.com/heatherlynnoh/
... with Goon Squad Cameo Appearances by
Matt Carriker of Demolitia: www.instagram.com/drdemolitionmatt/
Eli Cuevas: www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/
Logan Stark: www.instagram.com/loganstark/
Jake Watson: www.instagram.com/jokerwatson/
Jarred Taylor: www.instagram.com/jtarticle15/
Cinematography and VFX production by Clint Jones
Extra spice shots by Sam Gorski
Additional VFX by Wren, Matt, and Peter
Edited by Clint, Matt, Sam, and Niko (yes, it took four of us to dial in this baby)
Sound by Kevin Senzaki
Produced by Jake and Christian
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Perfect Camera: bhpho.to/2FJpQmR
Puget Systems Computers: bit.ly/PC_Puget_Workstations