
Easy Way to Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet #recipe

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High protein, high fiber green smoothie.

Smoothies are an excellent way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, but sometimes they have so much sugar they end up more like a milkshake. We use banana to naturally sweeten this drink and then add lots of protein from Greek yogurt, hemp hearts, and milk. Avocado adds healthy fats and creaminess. Let us know what you think.

Recipe Green Smoothie
Active: 5 min Total: 5 min
No sweetener here except fruit! Healthy fat from avocado, staying power from the protein in Greek yogurt, and fiber from hemp.
1 frozen medium banana
1 cup baby spinach
½ small avocado
½ cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt
½ cup 2% milk
1 tablespoon hemp hearts or flaxseeds
1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey (optional)
Puree banana, spinach, avocado, yogurt, coconut water, and hemp hearts (or flaxseeds) in a blender until smooth.
Serves 1
Serving size: 2 cups each

#shorts #recipeasmr #cookingasmr #healthyeating #nutrition

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