Analytics for your React Native app (Tutorial for beginners) | DEVember Day 19
This is DAY 19 of #DEVember and today today's session is about integrating analytics in your React Native app. Come join us as we continue our journey through DEVember, expanding our knowledge and contributing to our 'Education for Children' fundraiser! Together, we can make education accessible for everyone!
📊 React Native Analytics in 2 lines of code with Vexo: bit.ly/41w6afv
Use code NotJustDev10 for a 10% discount
🌟DEVember Day 19: www.notjust.dev/projects/devember/day19
If you have ideas of features, topics or apps you would like me to cover during #DEVember, you can submit them on our 💡Idea Board:
📚 Today's Agenda:
Introduction to Analytics for Mobile Apps
Install Vexo to view analytics in our app
Track Usage data from your users
Track custom events
Recap and Disscusion
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0:00 Introduction to DEVember and React Native Analytics Tutorial
0:37 Overview of Analytics Features and Heat Maps
1:15 Introduction to Vexo Analytics Tool
2:28 Integrating Vexo with React Native and Expo
4:38 Setting Up Vexo in a React Native Application
5:28 Creating and Configuring an Application in Vexo
6:00 Installation and Documentation of Vexo Analytics
7:33 Importing and Setting Up Vexo in the React Native App
8:17 Integrating Vexo API Key and Building the App
9:51 Rebuilding the Native Side Project with Expo
10:43 Exploring Vexo Dashboard and Analytics Features
11:30 Live Testing and Viewing Real-Time Data in Vexo
12:17 Insight into User Data and Real-Time Events
13:06 Setting Up Heat Maps and Analyzing User Interaction
14:38 Live Testing of Tinder Clone in Vexo
15:13 Introduction to Custom Events in Vexo
16:40 Implementing Custom Events in React Native
18:11 Example of Custom Event for Task Completion
19:06 Tracking Custom Events and Analyzing Data in Vexo
20:30 Additional Features and Automatic Tracking in Vexo
22:26 Demonstrating a Purchase Event and Custom Filters
24:49 Supported Events and Device Identity in Vexo
26:16 Integrating Vexo in Production Applications
27:18 Analyzing User Behavior and Most Popular Paths
29:55 Using Data for Product Decision Making
31:04 Understanding User Retention and Path Analysis
32:24 Detailed Analysis of User Paths and Retention in Vexo
33:06 Wrapping Up the Tutorial and Q&A Session
35:15 Addressing User Questions on React Native Development
38:25 Final Remarks and Conclusion of the Tutorial
Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #ReactNative