
Amen Clinics - What are Brain SPECT Imaging Scans?

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www.amenclinics.com/the-science/spect-gallery/cate… Founder of Amen Clinics, Dr. Daniel G. Amen, M.D. talks about Brain SPECT Imaging Scans (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) and how they are used in medicine by looking at brain activity. Through extensive research, many people have been diagnosed with abnormalities through Brain SPECT Imaging scans to determine where the problem is occurring, and how to treat it. Amen Clinics does just that, by using innovative and personal care, with treatment outcomes consistently demonstrating improvement for patients -- including many who have tried and failed prior treatment.

doctor dr. daniel amen clinics brain SPECT imaging scan personal treatment of for mind abnormality abnormal california los angeles orange county psychiatry psychiatrist neuroscience health therapy
