
Rich Brian - Luke Holland - 'Back At It' Drum Remix

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This is my improvised remix of Rich Chigga's 'Back At It', & the 2nd video with my brand new, one of a kind DW Collector's Series kit. It's a 7-piece Mapa Burl, which has put a significant change in my approach to playing. This is also the first time DW has ever done rose gold hardware for a kit, I'm very excited to be a part of that history with them.

I play DW Drums, Meinl Cymbals, Remo, Vater, & 64 Audio.

Filmed by Jeremy Tremp at Painted Tiger Studios, audio by Cameron Mizell.

Pick up my signature artist concept series 'Bullet Stack' with Meinl Cymbals at your local music store or online!

Instagram: @LukeHollandd
Twitter: @LukeHolland
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HollandDrums
