Day in the Life of a Japanese Mechanic
A day in the life of Japanese Car Mechanic or more specifically a Japanese truck mechanic working at Isuzu Motors in Tokyo Japan. This is not your regular Japanese office worker job, but rather a Japanese blue-collar job in a Japanese auto garage. We get a glimpse of Japanese work culture and Japan working hours for a Japanese automobile mechanic. This life in Japan, follows Yuya from morning until evening to show what a typically does before and after working at the Japanese truck garage.
Yuta works as a SEIBISHI, in English, Mechanic. He attended a specialized 4 year professional school, Saitama Automotive University, earning a degree in car mechanics.
He was hired straight after graduation, common in Japan, and he’s been working with the company now for 3 years.
ISUZU Motors, one of the oldest automobile manufactures in Japan since 1916. These days, they’re best known for their commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. But Interestingly, the company itself started off as a department within a shipbuilding company which over many years transformed into the company we know today, with more than 36,000 employes and crowned the #1 truck seller in Japan
Isuzu Motors : www.isuzu.co.jp/world
Watch all of my Japan Day in the Life videos on this playlist
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__ For more info about me __
I'm from TOKYO JAPAN, I've been living here for a long time. I'll be your Tokyo Travel Guide, taking you to the spots I love as well as showing you what to do all around Japan and maybe sometimes overseas. I'm also into Tech so you'll see a few videos about my drone and other cool toys I discover. In short, the channel is all about what I Love, Japan, Food, Travel, Tech and most likely coming FROM-TOKYO, my home.
@paolofromtokyo - instagram.com/paolofromtokyo
@tokyo.zebra - instagram.com/tokyo.zebra
__ My Film Gear __
(Affiliate Links Used - I may receive commission from products purchased)
Main Camera
(USA Link) amzn.to/2GlSvyy
(International) geni.us/pyBIG7S
Main Wide Lens
(USA Link) amzn.to/2o5B00B
(International) geni.us/DDbpW
Powered Mic
(USA Link) amzn.to/2B7HnUM
(International) geni.us/ZaFl4a
(USA Link) amzn.to/30VtlPV
(International) geni.us/lVurdzT
Portable TriPod
(USA Link) amzn.to/2LKhM6e
(International) geni.us/DfeI
(USA Link) amzn.to/2PYmjYA
(International) geni.us/amgYR3
Drone (Original)
(USA Link) amzn.to/2K6qrAW
(International) geni.us/UFAFl3c
For a complete list of my gear:
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