
Nithyashree Mahadevan | Ganapathi Manthiram | Vinayagar Song

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Ganapathi manthiram sung by Nithyasree mahadevan tamil devotional songs, nithyashree vinayagar song Lambodharaya ganesha devotional songs with fantastic visuals of a family performing maha ganapathi homam and then praying lord ganesha with immense joy.
This pillaiyar devotional songs, tamil vinayagar songs, vinayagar devotional songs is from the album Mahaganapathy Homam and vinayagar thiruvilayadal.
This song Lambodharaya namo namo or Ganapathi Manthram was released by Symphony Recording co in the year 2004 and one first tamil devotional videos to be released.
You can watch the full album of maha ganapathi homam at the link    • Maha Ganapathi Homam | Full with Slok...  

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