
I Bought a Vintage Three-Piece Norfolk Suit! (Unboxing)

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Step back in time with us as Raphael unboxes his vintage three-piece Norfolk suit @arterton.london gentl.mn/victory-vintage-unboxing

Special thanks to:
Victory Vintage UK (not a sponsor), from whom Raphael purchased this suit!
William Wong | Founder - Arterton London
www.instagram.com/arterton.london & ‪on YouTube @arterton.london‬

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→ Camera: Chris Dummer
→ Editing: Graham Zima
→ Visual Supervisor: Preston Schlueter

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00:00 Vintage Suit Unboxing Introduction

Opening it up there is a full set of trousers, but what I really liked about this piece was that it came with trousers and breeks, all in the same pattern. Out of the box, I think this might be able to accommodate my thighs.

00:40 Three-Piece Suit (Jacket, Trousers, Breeks)
02:26 Waistcoat
02:50 Morning Coat

Trying on the Pieces:
04:30 Try-On: Tweed Pieces
09:28 Waistcoat
11:09 Morning Coat

Raphael paid £375 for this three-piece suit. It’s an unusual three-piece suit, but it is a three-piece suit. You just wear them together all the time. Shipping was £15, so a total of £390. It’s about 30% more roughly at current exchange rates, so we’re talking about $500, which is quite cool for a garment in that shape that is quite unique.

12:50 Plans for Altering the Garments

Apart from the alterations I’ll do to the breeks and pants, one thing that could be cool is to change the belt a little bit. We could maybe have two buttonholes with two small football buttons or just one, and make it in a way that I could have it be a half-belted jacket if I wanted to, but also a full-belted jacket if I wear it. These are all considerations I can discuss with my alterations tailor.

#unboxing #vintage #notsponsored
