Setup your Nikon Z8 and Z9 for wildlife photography | Customise your camera like a pro!
So today we are talking custom settings for the Z8 and Z9 for wildlife photography!
I thought I would share some tips and insights from using these cameras on the daily as a professional wildlife photographer, looking at how I have them set up and some of the key features I have programmed to my custom FN buttons.
Setting up your camera is so important when it comes to wildlife photography, giving you the best chance to work quickly and effectively to grab focus and make those special frames, all whilst keeping the camera to your eye. These settings will work on both the Z9 and Z8 cameras with the latest firmwares and should give you a great stating point to get your camera dialled in for working in the field!
If you have any questions about the settings of course I'm here to help, so drop them in the comments. If you founds this helpful and want to see more wildlife photography content be sure to subscribe and drop this video a like!
If you are thinking about picking up a Z9 or Z8 and want to give the channel a helping hand, grabbing one through my links helps a great deal and costs you nothing!
Nikon Z9 : tidd.ly/3GOPrcl
Nikon Z8 : tidd.ly/4grH88r
If you would like to know more about my work and join me on a future workshop (new 2025 hare dates coming soon) be sure to subscribe to my Email list here subscribepage.io/TomMasonPhoto
For more information about next years Okavango trip and to sign up, check out the booking page here www.wildfoottravel.com/itinerary/6796/botswana-pho…
You can find more of my work over on my website www.tommasonphoto.com
and of course be sure to...
drop me a follow on instagram! @TomMasonPhoto
Until the next one guys, get out and enjoy your wildlife photography!
In my bag : (UK affiliate links help me fund the channel and cost you nothing)
Lowepro Whistler 450 AW II - (travelled flawlessly on all my flights with ALL the gear below inside!)tidd.ly/ee5e459a
Nikon Monarch HG 8x30's - Simply love these. tidd.ly/3df767bbNikon
Nikon Z9 : tidd.ly/3GOPrcl
Nikon Z8 : tidd.ly/4grH88r
Nikon 600mm f4 Z TC (My new super tele) tidd.ly/3BJRVIl
Nikon 300mm 2.8 VR II (My all time favourite lens) tidd.ly/c3774d0f
Nikon 70-200 tidd.ly/50423b68
NIkon 135 1.8 Plena tidd.ly/4d4hMdR
Nikon 35mm 1.4 G tidd.ly/74102f76
Nikon 1.4 TC tidd.ly/51bb49a8
Nikon SB-700 tidd.ly/40a57f1a
Spare battery tidd.ly/3c45d8ba
Gitzo Mini Traveller tidd.ly/eda4b0c
Petzl Headlamp amzn.to/2LX80SW
G-tech external drives amzn.to/2Yil63y
Macbook 12" amzn.to/2ZBQ57e
Rocket Blower ( I'd get this one) tidd.ly/8d6a3ab4
I also carry a trusty Gitzo Tripod, either my 4 series systematic or a 2 series traveller!
#wildlifephotography #nikonz9 #nikonz8