I Judged The Tiramisu World Cup! (Ep #3)
I had a great deal of fun, and a lot of great Tiramisu, when I judged the Finals of the Tiramisu World Cup. Congratulations to the winners and also to everyone that entered. Competitions like this are surprisingly stressful, as well as fun, and anyone who shows up has my admiration!
More info here: tiramisuworldcup.com/
My previous video on the history of the tiramisu: • The Tiramisu: How It Became So Popula...
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My Books:
How to Make The Best Coffee At Home: geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee: geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee Audiobook: bit.ly/worldatlasofcoffeeaudio
The Best of Jimseven: geni.us/bestofjimseven
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Things I use and like:
My video kit*: kit.co/jimseven/video-making-gear
My current studio coffee kit*: kit.co/jimseven/studio-coffee-kit
My glasses: bit.ly/boldlondon
My hair product of choice: geni.us/forthehair
*Affiliate links