
【TRIP vlog】パリ2泊3日ひとり旅#1 | 念願のモンサンミッシェルへ! | コスパ最高のフレンチ

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#海外旅行 #海外生活 #パリ #一人旅 #女子旅 #vlog #travel #paris #montsaintmichel

Hello 😊 Thank you for watching 🌸
This video will tell you about my recent trip to Paris!
Mont Saint Michel is empty in the winter and easy to get around although the weather is really unstable. . 😢
It seems better to visit in summer to enjoy the wonderful scenery! lol
Also, I realized now that it would be a good idea to stay in Rennes and enjoy both Rennes and Mont Saint Michel. .
I would be happy if you could watch it until the end 😊

★Bouillon Chartier Grands Boulevards -- DAY1 dinner
★Le Chapeau Rouge -- DAY2 lunch
←the reviews on Google map is bad, but I thought it was not that bad.

★KLOOK tour
