Why Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Cry because of Hazrat Abu Bakr? |Great personality of First caliph of Islam
Lets revive and refresh our Imaan on this Friday with a historical event of our first caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) !
Abu Bakr (R) — The First Caliph (Khalifa) of Islam, the successor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to lead the Muslims all over the world.
Umar (R) says: When Abu Bakr became Khalifa, every day after fajr (early morning prayer), Abu Bakr would go in the opposite direction of his house, and he would go deep into the desert. I was very curious, like what does he do out there? I’d watch him. Every single day, go to Fajr prayer and then Abu Bakr does not return home. He just walks far away into the desert. Every day I’d wonder where does he go? Where does he go? One day I said to myself that’s it. I’m gonna go follow him and find out what he’s doing. I just can’t get over this curiosity of mine. I kept pace from him to where he was at the end of my eyesight. I saw him go into this beat-up old house. I quickly went and hid behind. Abu Bakr spent a long time in there. It wasn’t like a short amount of time. He spent a long time until after the sun was up, it was getting hot. And then Abu Bakr left the home and made his way back to Madinah. This was way out of the city of Madinah. This isn’t even the city of Madinah right now. I waited until I could no longer see him. Then I knocked on the door. A woman opened the door, She was elderly, frail and blind and there were a bunch of little kids running around. So I said to her, Assalamu Alaikum, what is your situation? She said: I’m a blind woman, my kids died and I have no one to take care of me and I also have these orphans with me. Umar (R) said, who is that visitor that comes to you every single day? The woman says I don’t know who he is. He never shared his name with me. Umar (R) said, what does he do? She said, may Allah reward him. He comes every morning, cleans my house, washes our clothes, grinds out wheat, bakes our bread, cooks our breakfast, and then he leaves.
SubhanAllah! Think about that. If this was the only narration we had about Abu Bakr, it’s incredible. The leader, the head of the Ummah (Muslims), the Khalifa, the most important man in history at that time, with his station and status, goes out every morning to that house and he doesn’t even tell the women what his name is, cleans the house, washes the clothes, grinds the wheat, bakes the bread, cooks the breakfast, and then makes his way back to govern the Ummah.
Umar (R) says to the lady, every single day?! Is this really what he does every single day? The woman replies, every single day. May Allah bless him. Umar (R) asks, do you pay him anything? She says, nothing.
Umar (R) started to cry and said, you have exhausted every successor of yours O Abu Bakr! You’ve exhausted us. Anyone that comes after you are exhausted. Because this is a standard that is impossible for us to meet.
Can you imagine how many deeds of Abu Bakr (R) that history has never recorded? Can you imagine how many secrets he actually managed to hide? A lesson for all of us, if you’re someone who does some charity that everyone knows about, you better have some good that only Allah knows about.
Video credit: @TheDailyReminder
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