Harvesting the BIGGEST FIELD in FS22 + 18 HARVESTERS | MEGA Challenge | Farming Simulator 22 | #58
I have finally managed to give THE BIGGEST FIELD in FS22 a proper go. This time with 18 HARVESTERS and a lot of trailers. After watching this video you may even think that I have created the biggest road train in FS22. But this is for another video
👉LINK TO THE FS22 GIVEAWAY ---- bit.ly/3iXHE1n
👉LINK TO THE SAVE GAME - bit.ly/3xM8sdU
✅ORDER Farming Simulator 22 - bit.ly/3zPAZhc
👉FS22 Season Pass - bit.ly/3t4IRZa
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✅ORDER FS22 (PC) DIGITAL COPY - bit.ly/FS22Download
✅ORDER FS22 (PC) HARD COPY - bit.ly/FS22HardCopy
✅FS22 Antonio Carraro Pack - www.farming-simulator.com/dlc-detail.php?dlc_id=fs…
✅Farming Simulator 19 (PC) - bit.ly/2LQ77vn
0:01 - Clarx - Bones
2:57 - Retro – jiglr
6:28 - Ascence - Konnichiwa
9:27 - Jim Yosef & Sara Skinner - WILDFIRE
12:31 - Futuristik - Forgive Me
15:34 - Blooom & Ghost'n'Ghost - Desire
18:33 - Tropical Beach – Aftertune
22:11 - Moder