
All About Green Gems | Emeralds, Tourmaline, Tsavorite, and More!

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Emerald fans rejoice! Don't forget Tourmaline, Tsavorite, Peridot, and more! This episode is a Green Gem Spectacular! We unbox some of our best Green specimens and explore just how these green beauties get their color. So for all you Green fans tune in and enjoy as we explore some of the most beautiful Green Gems you've ever seen!

00:19 - Vanadium Chrysoberyl
01:57 - Demantoid Garnet
03:27 - Peridot
07:30 - Emerald
08:37 - Tourmaline
11:00 - Chrome Diopside
12:23 - Tsavorite Garnet
13:39 - Apatite
14:45 - Idocrase
16:34 - Closer Look

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Gemstones.com is one of the leading experts on gemstones and is the best source on YouTube for all things gem related. Featuring gem history, the science behind the stones, gemstones in pop culture, and much more, you too can become a gemology expert by immersing yourself in the Gemstones.com channel. Rebecca, our host, is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America and has an FGA from the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.

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#Gemstones #GreenGems #Emerald #Tourmaline
