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Recently, the British Museum was exposed to the mysterious disappearance of about 2,000 items from its collection. The official Chinese media, Global Times, published an editorial article, demanding that the British Museum return Chinese cultural relics without compensation.

Were the Chinese cultural artifacts in the British Museum all acquired through the looting by the Eight-Nation Alliance during that time? What are the regulations internationally regarding the return of cultural relics to their places of origin? Should cultural relics that have ended up overseas be returned?

#BritishMuseum #GlobalTimes #MsZhenIllustrations #ChineseCulturalRelics #ParthenonTemple #Sphinx #FiveHorsesPainting #Puyi #CulturalRevolution #DunhuangScrolls

British Museum | Global Times | Chinese Cultural Relics | Parthenon Temple | Sphinx | Five Horses Painting | Puyi | Cultural Revolution | Dunhuang Scrolls
