Why RBI Is Making Borrowing Easier Again! | The Daily Brief #178
In today's episode of The Daily Brief, we cover 2 major stories shaping the Indian economy and global markets:
1. RBI’s Big Reversal on NBFC Lending
The RBI has rolled back its 2023 decision to hike risk weights on NBFC and consumer loans. This move, aimed at boosting credit flow, follows a slowdown in loan growth and economic activity. We break down what risk weights are, why RBI initially tightened them, and how this reversal could impact banks, NBFCs, and borrowers.
2. Can India Become an AI Superpower?
Despite its massive tech talent and digital infrastructure, India lags in the AI race. A Carnegie India report highlights key challenges: lack of top-tier AI researchers, limited access to quality data, and low R&D investments. We explore what India needs to do to compete with global AI leaders like the US and China.ing sector is better prepared than the U.S., risks remain if inflationary pressures persist.
00:00 Intro
00:13 Stories Coming Up!
00:33 The RBI re-rethinks its risk weights
08:27 Can India become an AI superpower?
16:53 Tidbits
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