
how "crazy Russians" took Parkour to the next level

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What if you could create a human experiment with the goal to push the limits of Parkour and invent new tricks? Well, the golden Russian Parkour era is the closest thing to it. An insane rate of progression coming out of Asia and Eastern Europe with Russia at its heart pushed Parkour to its limits and beyond. I cataloged the genius and the madness so it can be preserved for future generations and to honor the athletes I looked up to. Why this era ended is the topic for another day :) Enjoy!

0:00 Intro
4:57 Russian Climbing
6:16 Oleg Cricket
8:14 Parkour Klan
10:12 Erik Mukhametshin
12:34 Moscow Bridge Spot
14:20 Workout Parks
15:44 Pasha the Boss
18:05 Shade Zlat
20:28 - Bait
22:21 Hard Tricks Time
23:07 Sheva
24:44 Cherepko
25:53 Highest Wallflip
26:54 Lowkick/Savchuk
28:14 Double Layout Incident
29:40 Arhangel
31:00 Zyulev
32:06 Crazy Snow Flips
33:27 TracersRU
36:10 Stas
37:50 Pavel Kashin
38:42 Parkour City & Parkour Week
40:09 Vlad Erovikov
41:33 3WGEN
42:27 Bad Mofo and Hardcore Henry
44:30 World's Biggest Roofgap
48:34 UNONA
49:54 IGELS Club
42:09 Alexey Popov
53:09 Zelim
54:00 AVI
54:54 FAILS
55:54 Chernikov
57:38 Kostya Kachurin
58:39 Underwear Training
59:17 the KIDS
1:00:32 Corruption
1:01:40 Arena Combat
1:02:24 Crazy Jump 100
1:04:30 Honorable Mentions & Outro
