
100 Evades? It doesn't have to be this way... | Nirvana 540D Sprout of Wishing 797 & 805

1446 66________

The cursed evades run was hell for many, but surely there's another way... (if you're whale enough)

2-outburst hairloss run for dodge masters:

The ult in phase 1 at 0:54 can be moved to after Stellar Outburst for more damage; it kills at 958 instead but there's actually no difference since a 960 punch kill will stall.

+2 AR dodges are executed by doing evade and then jump (or vice versa) without any gap in-between! If the second action evades an attack, it will count as +2 instead of +1. The first action does not need to evade anything; but if does then both actions give +1 which is still total of +2 also.

The goal for AR farming is:
1st attack +4 from Vita
2nd attack +4 from Vita or Kiana
3rd attack +4 from Kiana, +1 from Coralie

My run had terrible execution, three of Kiana's evasions starting from 1:29 were NOT +2 AR dodges so after Coralie weapon it was 78 instead of 81 AR so it is -3. But this is still enough to make 797 ult cooldown if the next section is played well.

Need to roll two feather spam attacks in a row from boss moveset. After the first enhanced basic 4 and basic 1 & 2, the following worked best for me:
dodge backward (use no direction input), then forward
dodge backward then forward
transform to animation cancel the forward dodge (the dodge will still register after transform finishes)
dodge backward then forward

I jumped at the end of all that but it actually doesn't catch anything so there is no need to use it. After using weapon, enhanced 3 & 4, and combo attack, there is enough time to do basic 1 & 2 evade basic 1 & 2, then from here it's just evade spam until Stellar Outburst is up. Can also mix in some basic 1 in-between evades since attacking also gives ~2 AR over time and Vita's basic 1 comes out very fast. Damage is not super important here since the ult off cooldown at 797 will kill no matter what.

However, for NA it's very possible to kill without the ult and kill with the punch, so optimizing damage before outburst can get scores higher than 797 (my missing +3 AR would have also certainly helped). But there's no point malding for it because this strat is inferior to a much easier strat...

1-outburst "S0 Red Lotus" run:

In the opener Kiana's weapon is delayed a bit (it can be delayed even more, there is plenty of time) so that her buff doesn't expire before Vita deals the killing blow. Coralie must use both of her weapon actives AFTER boss spawn to fully apply debuffs and then use her ult and the ult must hit and deal damage at 999. It's also important to get the last basic 2 at 3:19 before transformation ends which is very tight.

No more videos for a while after this cycle ends, due to family medical emergency.
See you when I get back.

0:00 Stats
0:30 Hairloss run
2:46 "S0 Red Lotus" run

NA Myriad #1
