
Vibe Coding a 3D GAME in React Native and ThreeJS (with AI)

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In this video, we're trying something new called vibe coding where we build something just by prompting AI. You’ll learn how to build a 3D game in React Native and Three.js, without writing every line of code yourself. Instead, you’ll use AI to generate and refine code while shaping your own version of a sandbox style game inspired by Minecraft. Let’s see how far we can go with AI-driven game development!

📚 Source code: github.com/notJust-dev/VibeCraft

📝 This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn:
👉 How to build a 3D game in React Native using Expo and Three.js for WebGL-powered graphics.
👉 How to leverage AI for game development by prompting it to generate and refine code.
👉 How to implement interactive 3D worlds using react-three-fiber in a mobile app.
👉 How to use Expo for development and deploying cross-platform (iOS, Android, and web).
👉 How to create procedural environments in a voxel-style game similar to Minecraft.
👉 How to handle game logic and user input in React Native with touch and gesture controls.
👉 How to integrate physics and animations to bring life to your game world.
👉 How to optimize rendering performance for smooth gameplay on mobile devices.
.. and MORE!

💡 Have an idea for a future tutorial? Share it on our Idea Board: github.com/orgs/notJust-dev/discussions

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