
4K 2023 Kyoto Winter 京都の雪景色名所8選 Snow scene 冬の京都観光 旅行 Japan 金閣寺 清水寺 嵐山 竹林の小径 雪見 雪の光景 雪の名所 雪化粧

58201 722________

DATE:25 January 2023
Kyoto in winter is beautifur.
The city of Kyoto, home to Temple is a basin surrounded by mountains in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture. Because of this, it is extremely very cold in winter.
There are many sunny days, but even if it is sunny, the weather can change without warning, and you may experience a snowfall.
The majestic temples and pagodas look even more beautiful covered in snow, adding to their sense of calm.
Japanese gardens is particularly impressive during the winter when the snowfalls.


00:00 Opening
02:44 清水寺/Kiyomizu Temple
05:49 金閣寺/Kinkakuji Temple
07:19 南禅寺/Nanzenji Temple
08:47 天授庵/Tenjuan Temple
10:09 嵐山/Arashiyama
12:59 保津峡/Hozukyo Gorge
14:05 竹林の小径/Bamboo grove path
16:07 天龍寺/Tenryu temple
18:58 Ending
#冬の京都 #京都の雪景色 #京都観光
