
How Dangerous was a Victorian Slum at Night? (Nightmare Behind Closed Doors)

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Victorian slums were dark, fearful homes to thieves and violent brutes. By night you'd hear laughter and jollity, but also shouts and frightened screams, but you kept your door as well-barred as possible, and never asked for the cause from your neighbours. In a dystopian world of marginal existence, people came and went – some came and never went, were never missed and never seen again. In this 1880s eyewitness account you will discover the terrible scenes and stories a Victorian journalist revealed as he journeyed into London's slums.

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Credits: Narration - markmanningmedia.com
CC BY - A woman standing in the street in St Giles's London, Dwellings of the poor in Bethnal Green water supply 1863, Gloucester convalescents, Illustration depicting cramped and squalid housing condition By Wellcome Collection

CC BY-SA - Shop Sign Chapel market Islington By Jim Osley geograph.org.uk

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