How To Make The Best Coffee At Home
Signed copies can be purchased through the Square Mile Coffee Roasters online shops:
UK and Rest of the World: shop.squaremilecoffee.com/products/how-to-make-the…
EU: shop.eu.squaremilecoffee.com/products/how-to-make-…
The (unsigned) book is available on Amazon and (hopefully) at all local book stores
Amazon*: geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
Barnes & Noble: geni.us/thebestcoffeeBN
How To Make The Best Coffee At Home (book website): www.howtomakethebest.coffee/
There was a previous version of this video that didn't make the cut, but I'm grateful to the assistance and support of @LanceHedrick and also Doppio Coffee Warehouse in London: doppiocoffee.co.uk/
(one day that footage may see the light of day)
Thank you also to the London Library.
The Giveaway: www.howtomakethebest.coffee/giveaway (Entries now closed and winners have been emailed!) The winners are: Johannes from Germany, Lucas from Singapore, Joseph from New Zealand, Jonathan from the Netherlands, Thomas from the Netherlands, Zoltan from Hungary, Maria from Sweden, and Toby from USA.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/jameshoffmann
Limited Edition Merch: geni.us/TensHundredsThousands
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jimseven
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jimseven
My Books:
How to Make The Best Coffee At Home*: geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee*: geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee Audiobook*: bit.ly/worldatlasofcoffeeaudio
The Best of Jimseven: geni.us/bestofjimseven
My glasses: bit.ly/boldlondon
My hair product of choice*: geni.us/forthehair
(*Affiliate links which may earn us a commission)