Build a Camera App with React Native Vision Camera | DEVember Day 11
Day 11 of #DEVember is here! In today's session, we will build a feature-rich Camera App that harnesses the power of the React Native Vision Camera library. This tutorial will teach you how to capture photos, record videos and even scan QR codes seamlessly within your React Native application.
🌟DEVember Day 11: www.notjust.dev/projects/devember/day11
If you have ideas of features, topics or apps you would like me to cover during #DEVember, you can submit them on our 💡Idea Board:
📚 Today's Agenda:
Introduction to React Native Vision Camera
Setting Up the Camera in a React Native App
Implementing Photo Capture Functionality
Adding Video Recording Features
Integrating QR Code Scanning
Customizing Camera UI and Controls
Review and Debug
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0:00 Intro and overview of DEVember
2:57 Project Setup and GitHub Repository Overview
3:46 React Native Environment and Vision Camera Installation
7:13 Vision Camera Documentation and SDK Requirements
10:02 Configuring Camera and Microphone Permissions
11:59 Rebuilding the iOS Native Project
13:36 Options for Building iOS App on Different Platforms
14:57 Requesting and Handling Camera Permissions
17:07 React Native Camera View Implementation
20:14 Camera View Setup and Testing
22:06 Building and Testing on Physical Device
24:27 Camera View Display and Functionality
27:15 Understanding Physical and Virtual Cameras
30:57 Camera Lifecycle and Focus Management
38:11 Taking Photos with the Camera
41:50 Camera Reference and Photo Capture Implementation
44:18 Photo Preview and Customization Options
47:03 Storing and Displaying Captured Photos
50:14 Implementing Video Recording Features
53:20 Smoother Camera Transition and Flash Options
57:19 Implementing QR Code Scanner Mode
1:01:18 Testing QR Code Scanner Functionality
1:03:34 Preparing and Uploading Photo Data
1:07:22 Video Recording Permissions and Controls
1:12:39 Enabling Video and Audio in Camera
1:15:07 Video Recording Process
1:21:14 Previewing Recorded Videos
1:24:54 Testing Camera, Photo, and Video Modes
1:28:54 QR Code and Barcode Scanning Features
1:36:40 Troubleshooting QR Scanner Activation
1:43:10 Final Testing of QR Scanner
1:47:00 Advanced Features: Realtime Frame Processing
1:48:29 Recap of Tutorial and Conclusion
Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #ReactNative