
10 Bodyweight Arm Exercises to Tone Your Arms

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You don’t need fancy equipment to tone and strengthen the muscles in your arms. Body weight exercises like planks, pushups, and arm circles can help you get the job done anytime, anywhere.

Arm strengthening is a cornerstone of any comprehensive fitness program. Strong arms are not just about appearances. Functionally, arm strength is necessary for many of life’s daily activities, such as carrying, lifting, pushing, and pulling.

While many traditional arm strengthening exercises involve weights and a gym, quite a few exercises can help you strengthen and tone your arms without weights.

00:00 - Intro
01:08 - Warmup for your upper-body
03:13 - Floor angels
04:47 - Lower trap lifts
05:48 - Real delt lifts to Superman
06:58 - Serratus pushup
08:08 - Downward dog to plank
09:23 - Plank to side-plank
11:21 - Reverse plank
12:27 - Triceps dip
13:22 - Incline pushup
14:24 - Decline forearm plank
15:22 -Cooldown, sitting in a chair

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