
[Former WR] Under 32 SECONDS for 37 Furnaces!! (31.517)

2138 133________

4:05 Barely Sub 35 Run (NOT WR)
6:57 World Record Run (31.517)

Total Worlds on This Seed: 2,300
Total Runs Including Past Seeds: 10,000 (It's genuinely almost exact)
Seed: 3130370875906090971

Please Check Out the Related Links:
Minterbit's Channel (Original Category Creator):
   / @minterbit  

Minterbit's 37 Furnace Videos:
   • crafting 37 furnaces world record (5:23)  
   • reclaiming the 37 furnaces world reco...  
   • the 37 furnaces world record is ALL M...  
   • finale of the 37 furnaces world recor...  

Other 37 Furnace Contributors:
Tetrobomb:    / @tetrobomb  
Fqceless:    / @fqceless  
vivianh-dev:    / @vivianh-dev  
Jppsh:    / @jppsh  
Cxrrupteed (TAS Speedrun):    / @cxrrupteed  

There are quite a few other channels who I either can't find by basic Youtube search or who didn't have a world record but still have awesome runs. Check out this wonderfully created playlist of the full 37 furnace category series to see more runs and the full progression!
   • crafting 37 furnaces world record (5:23)  
