
The Steyr AUG in 1 Minute #Shorts

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Is it A.U.G. or Aug?
It’s Karl’s “Auggie doggie” in my books..
Shout out to ‪@wolv_supplies‬ for the play date.
See all my #Shorts here:    • #Shorts  
Flecktarn Combat Short from UFPro!
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Cool gear from companies I have collab'd with:
American Defense Manufacturing: Code ARMANDGUN for 10% off most stuff on their site
Accu-Tac Bipods: Code ARMANDGUN for 25% off products on their site
Cases: Air Armor Tech | https://www.airarmortech.com
Combat Clothing: UF PRO | https://ufpro.com/int/
AR 550 Targets | https://tatargets.com/
Plate Carriers: HRT Tactical | https://hrttacticalgear.com/
Safe: Rhino Metals | https://rhinosafe.com/
Gun wall: Gallowtech | https://www.gallowtech.com/
Books: Vickers Guide | https://www.vickersguide.com/
Flannels: Dixxon | USA https://dixxonquality.com/ Canada https://dixxon.ca/
Gloves: Fist Handwear | https://www.fisthandwear.com
Purchasing from the below links helps support Arm&Gun.
Bolt Action Coffee | Use 'armandgun' for 10% off: https://www.boltactioncoffee.com/shop...
Black Arch Holsters | https://www.blackarchholsters.com/?rf...
#armandgun #shorts #aug
