
厨师长教你:“烤鸡架”“烤鸡翅”的简易做法,吃货的眼中万物皆可烧烤 Chinese style oven barbecued chicken wings and ribs

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Hello class! As you may know, I joined the "Dashu Xiaoguan" ("Uncles' Bistros") program run by ixigua.com and Jiangsu TV earlier, and saw Mr. Tong Dawei's roasted chicken wings and ribs, which received quite some critical comments from the uncles. So here I'll teach you an easy home recipe, which you basically can't fail on.

As I understand, the typical Northeastern version of this recipe doesn't contain much meat, and is just for the flavor. The version I'm going to introduce here is slightly different -- it's better for meat lovers. Even better, you may roast chicken wings together using basically the same time. Wish everyone enjoys it~

By the way, tomorrow I'll upload my segments in the "Dashu Xiaoguan" ("Uncles' Bistros") program, where I'll check their kitchen from a professional perspective. Stay tuned!
