White Chocolate Ganache Recipe | White Chocolate Sauce | Without Cream and White Chocolate
#whitechocolateganache #whitechocolatesauce #chocolateganachewithoutcrem
White chocolate ganache recipe is made with just a few simple ingredients. This white chocolate ganache can be used as a galze or frosting your cakes. The white chocolate ganache without cream and white chocolate can also be called as white chocolate sauce.
Dark chocolate ganache : • Chocolate Ganache Recipe | Chocolate ...
how to make white chocolate ganache without cream and white chocolate ?
===Ingredients required for white chocolate ganache:===
Sugar - 4 tbsp
Milk powder - 3 tbsp
Corn flour - 1 tbsp
Milk - 1 cup (250 ml)
Butter - 1 tbsp
vanilla - 1/2 tsp
This white chocolate ganache can be used to decorate cakes by changing the consistency of the white chocolate ganache to peanut butter consistency. In order to do get more thick creamy texture when you are preparing this ganache keep whisking continuously on low flame until it turns more thick creamy texture, then refrigerate the white chocolate sauce and use it. After refrigerating whisk it before using.
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