Navigating an Uncharted RIVER in Borneo!
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⛵ Discover more about OC Tenders and their amazing products: octenders.co.nz/
📝 Check out Greenpeace’s Report about threats facing Borneo’s Orangutans: www.greenpeace.org/international/publication/18455…
📱 Calling all SEA PEOPLE! Keen to beta test the App: seapeopleapp.com/download?utm_source=SLV&utm_mediu…
⛵ BOOK A TRIP with VagabondeAdventures: www.vagabondeadventures.com/
For more info, email Jack at: info@vagabondeadventures.com
Join our crew on Patreon for AD FREE previews of future episodes and regular live streams to chat with us in real time bit.ly/SLVPatreon
Check out our website for our latest updates: sailinglavagabonde.org/
Grab yourself some VagaBella Swim! NEW COLLECTION just launched at: vagabellaswim.com/
Official Sailing La Vagabonde Merch:
ELAYNA'S BOOK FOR SALE: (Grab your copy of The Little Sailor's ABCs!) www.silverwoodbooks.co.uk/pro...
Elayna's NEW BOOK 'First Mate Lenny' : www.penguin.com.au/books/firs...
0:00 - Start
0:45 - Welcome Onboard
3:00 - Our Engine Update
4:10 - Sailing Kinabatangan River
6:50 - Mosquito Attack
9:00 - Day Two
11:00 - Today’s Mission
12:10 - Our Boys
16:00 - Elephant Tour
18:00 - Monkey Territory
20:00 - Night Safari
21:00 - Day Three
28:00 - Sailing our OC Tender
33:00 - Blue Water Sailing
35:21 - Police and Pirates
IG: @hudson_animation
Website: www.hudson-animation.com/
What products do we use?
What cameras do we use?
BIG CAMERA: amzn.to/1t6fAfY
OTHER BIG CAMERA: amzn.to/2rybQE2
HANDY CAM: amzn.to/25KvT0x
GOPRO: amzn.to/1t6haPc
DRONE: amzn.to/2ooXPLs
What software do we use?
Premiere Pro adobe.ly/2vzkB2I
Predict Wind bit.ly/PredictWindForecasts
🎨 A massive thanks to all the creators who've kindly supported this episode with their content under a Pond5 Licence owned by Sailing La Vagabonde.
🎨 Additional thanks for Creative Commons imagery including:
"Edible-nest Swiftlet" by Mike Prince is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Edible-nest Swiftlet" by Mike Prince is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Edible-nest Swiftlet" by Mike Prince is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Bird's Nest soup" is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
"File:Birds nests used for birds nest soup.JPG" by Tim Denholm is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
"A boat hauling palm oil fruit for crushing" by shankar s. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Palm oil mill" by Marufish is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
"Riau palm oil 2007" by Hayden is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Slash and burn agriculture" by wallygrom is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
"Palm oil plantations" by europeanspaceagency is licensed under CC BY-SA