
Life onboard the US Navy's most powerful submarine | Extra Minutes

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It takes a special kind of person to work onboard the US Navy's most powerful submarines, which can stay submerged underwater for months at a time.

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Synopsis | Deep Impact (2023)
At more than $360 billion, the cost for Australia to acquire a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines is beyond substantial. For the money though, the country will get enormous firepower in the form of the most advanced, and lethal, fighting machine humans can build. The politicians who engineered the deal through the AUKUS security pact say we will also obtain something that’s impossible to put a price on: stability in our region. But what are these submarines really like? On 60 MINUTES, Amelia Adams is given very rare permission by the United States Navy to go aboard and test drive one of its incredible attack subs, the Virginia Class USS North Carolina.

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