
Biblical Femininity: A Call to Strength, Purity, and Purpose (Sermons for Today)

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What does it mean to be a woman of God in today’s world? Society often imposes conflicting ideas about femininity—some say women must be strong and independent at all costs, while others push a passive and subdued ideal. But what does Scripture actually say? In this thought-provoking reflection, we explore biblical womanhood beyond stereotypes, highlighting the strength, grace, and purpose God has given to women. From gentleness and hospitality to purity and resilience, we uncover how true femininity is neither weak nor passive but deeply rooted in God’s design. Sisters in Christ, embrace your calling with confidence, wisdom, and a heart set on God’s truth.

This sermon was preached on October 15, 2023.

Resource: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - Edited by John Piper & Wayne Grudem

00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Why a sermon on womanhood is difficult to prepare
03:36 - Speaking about womanhood must be taken in context of modernization
05:16 - Modern birth control resources allow for more women to work outside the home
05:56 - Western countries progressed in value women in public life
07:05 - There are fewer and fewer obvious role distinctions between men and women in modern life in the West
08:33 - Feminism makes it more challenging to speak about biblical womanhood
09:24 - The ideology of "the Patriarchy" makes it difficult to speak about biblical womanhood
10:16 - Fewer women CEOs is due to many reasons, not just due to "the Patriarchy"
11:01 - The problem with the "Patriarchy" ideology
11:49 - Sex-differences in preferences account much for STEM field sex imbalances
13:10 - Christians should start with the Bible and God when speaking about womanhood
14:25 - Christian women are also heirs of salvation (with equal value as Christian men)
15:18 - God choosing Mary to be the mother of the Son of God exults the value of women
16:16 - Jesus did His first miracle at the request of a woman (his mother Mary) exults the value of women
16:55 - God already shows in the Bible that He highly values women even before modern Feminisim
17:34 - Christian women, is your view of yourself as a woman rooted in God’s high view of you as His daughter?
19:51 - In the Gospel, there's hope for women who have sinned against God
22:13 - Addressing younger Christian women: root your identity in Jesus rather than society's narrative
22:55 - Advice to young women: You should seriously think about whether you want to get married or not now
24:29 - Older women: If you have desires to get married, the Lord can still provide
25:44 - Older women can live a meaningful life by serving those in need
26:44 - How should churches view single Christian women?
28:09 - Some Christian women are called to singleness with the time, freedom and flexibility to serve the Lord in a special way
29:00 - It's sad that older, single women in the Church get negative feedback for being single
29:22 - Families should invite single women to social events
30:55 - Don't guilt trip single Christian women to serve more in the Church
32:20 - "At the heart of mature femininity is a freeing disposition to affirm, receive and nurture strength and leadership from worthy men in ways appropriate to a woman’s differing relationships"
33:20 - Definition of biblical masculinity is in relation to women and children
35:33 - The difference between Complementarianism and Egalitarianism
37:05 - Biblical reflections on a daughter and her father
38:22 - Daughters should expect from their father discipline and goal-setting
38:48 - Daughters should expect from their father appropriate masculine love
39:47 - Older sister's relationship with their younger brother (showing distinctions between masculine and feminine roles)
40:53 - Young women should expect male friends to step up in areas of manual labor
41:35 - Example of biblical manhood of stepping up in serving
42:02 - A woman should expect a man pursuing her to be a gentleman
43:06 - A woman should expect her boyfriend to initiate guarding physical/sexual boundaries before marriage
43:44 - Why it's more costly for women when a man leaves her
44:49 - A mother and her son: Don't smother your son
46:18 - A woman's nurture and comfort are meant to equip her son for independence, not to coddle him
47:00 - Reflections on differences in psychological traits between men and women
49:42 - Men tend to be more assertive but less lightly to express their feelings
50:06 - The APA's document on men and boys - positive and negative parts
50:53 - Women are graceful; men are rugged (generally speaking)
51:31 - Women are charming in a feminine way; women are charming in a masculine way
52:09 - Women and men struggle with sexual purity in different ways
52:50 - Are women weak? No!
53:23 - An example of a strong but gracious woman of God
53:49 - When should Christian women cry?
54:11 - Why did God give women beauty and feminine charm? For seduction? No!
54:47 - Women and gossip
55:09 - Men also have masculine sin tendencies
