
The TCJA State & Local Tax Cap Is About To Expire #tax #taxplanning #trump #usa #debt #usd #2024

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In this clip, a U.S. Tax specialist, Neal Weiss, discusses the sunseting of the State and local tax cap of the Trump Tax Cuts and Job Act provisions.

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About WHVP: WHVP is not just another asset manager. We are an independent firm specializing in managing the funds of private clients. Registered with the SEC in the U.S. and located in Zurich, Switzerland, we are associated with several first-class private banks in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which serve as custodian banks for our clients' accounts. Our asset management principles are rooted in conservative, long-term-oriented capital preservation strategies. We prioritize personalized service, crafting portfolios that are shielded against U.S. Dollar depreciation while leveraging overseas investment opportunities.

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