
1. Accounting For Price Level Changes/ Inflation Accounting - Introduction in Telugu

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Dear Students,
For all the topics of Advanced Corporate Accounting, please follow this playlist:
   • 2. Holding Companies Short Problem - ...  
Please follow the given Subjects & Chapters related to Commerce & Management Subjects in Telugu:
1. To Learn Basics of Accounts In Telugu, please follow this link:    • How to Write "Journal Entries" ? - A ...  

2. BRS – In Telugu
   • 1. Bank Reconciliation Statement - In...  

3. Career Guidance
   • B Com Vs BBA  - ఏ  రంగం  ఎంచుకోవాలి?  

4. Auditing:
   • 1." Introduction of An Auditing In Te...  

5. Depreciation
   • 1. Depreciation Accounts తెలుగు లో - ...  

6. Royalty Accounts:
   • 1. "Royalty Accounts - తెలుగు లో" Int...  

7. Final Accounts in Telugu:
   • 1. Final Accounts Introduction from F...  

8. BOM & Inter II Year Commerce Topics:
   • 1  Mutual Funds Introduction - BOM & ...  

9. Statistics – Part : 1
   • 1. Business Statistics Subject - Intr...  

10. Statistics – Part: 2
   • 1. Regression Analysis Actual Mean Me...  

11. Consignment Accounts:
   • 1. Consignment Accounts - Introductio...  

12. Important Questions on Various Subjects:
   • Financial Accounting - 2 (B.Com , Sem...  

13. Financial Management:
   • 1. Introduction & Functions of Financ...  

14. Average Due Date:
   • 1. Average Due Date - Introduction In...  

15. Issue of Shares & Debentures – Advanced Accounting:
   • 1. Issue of Shares & Debentures, Intr...  

16. Corporate Accounting
   • 1. Liquidation Of Company - Introduct...  

17. Liquidation of Company Accounts
   • 1. Liquidation Of Company - Introduct...  

18. Marketing Management:
   • 2 Types of Markets from Marketing Man...  

19. Cost Accounting:
   • 5.Contract Account - Two Contracts Im...  

20. Banking Financial Services:
   • 2. Functions Of Commercial Banks from...  

21. Rectification of Errors:
   • 4. Rectification Of Errors - Problem ...  

22. Advanced Corporate Accounting:
   • 2. Holding Companies Short Problem - ...  

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1. Dr. Devika Bhatnagar (Soft Skills & Motivational Channel)

2. Carnatic Veena Classes by Devika Bhatnagar
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3. Devika Bhatnagar’s Telugu Channel
   / @devikabhatnagarsteluguchannel  

4. Accounts In Telugu By Prof Devika Bhatnagar
   / @accountsintelugubyprofdevika  
