02 - Exegesis Workshop: Let Exegesis Ground Your Theology (Acts 2)
Welcome to Part 2 of our 9-week exegetical training series! In this session, we journey deeper into the book of Acts, exploring the pivotal events of chapter 2. Together, we examine the role of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and how this monumental moment shaped the Church’s mission and identity. Through careful study, we address key questions about the Spirit’s work and uncover the significance of tongues as a sign of God’s unfolding plan. Whether you’re a church leader or a devoted learner of Scripture, this workshop equips you to interpret God’s Word faithfully and apply it to your life and ministry. Join us as we grow in understanding and servant-leadership through the living Word!
This session was recorded via live stream with 5 other Christians brothers on Jan 18, 2025.
Resources from Workshop:
Notes from this session: shorturl.at/0DZq5
Tools Referenced:
STEP Bible: stepbible.org/
ChatGPT: chat.openai.com/
E-Sword: www.e-sword.net/
00:00 - Intro
00:01 - Student Presentation of Acts 2:1-13
11:13 - Is the witnessing in Acts 2:11 the same as Peter's preaching of the gospel?
20:52 - What is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2? (A)
24:43 - Speaking at an Exegetical Level is different than at a Theological Level (defined)
28:08 - What is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2? (B)
29:05 - Exegetical Rules of Engagement: You must have a passage/verse (words) to back up your interpretation
31:48 - Are the languages spoken by the disciples at Pentecost human languages or angelic languages?
32:08 - Is the miracle at Pentecost a "miracle of listening" or a "miracle of speaking"? (A)
33:50 - "miracle of listening" or a "miracle of speaking" defined
38:26 - Lexically, the words don't specify that "tongues" refer to an angelic language
42:00 - We need words in Scripture (understood in context) to strengthen our interpretation
46:10 - Is the miracle at Pentecost a "miracle of listening" or a "miracle of speaking"? (B)
48:59 - If you can't based your interpretation on the words in the biblical text, your interpretation is invalid
49:40 - Don't cite one verse, then bring ideas from other passages without first explaining the text verse at hand
52:11 - If we are exegeting a certain verse/passage, the stronger exegetical evidences for interpretation come from the verses/passages at hand (controlling passage)
54:08 - Because Acts 2 (the whole chapter) is one section, the verses within this chapter can be considered strong exegetical evidences
55:56 - Is the miracle at Pentecost a "miracle of listening" or a "miracle of speaking"? (C)
57:27 - Student Presentation of Acts 2:14ff
1:13:39 - Peter's sermon corrects the 1st Century Jews' notion of the Messiah
1:17:54 - How does Acts 2:33 show the connection between Jesus' ascension and the giving of the Holy Spirit?
1:22:00 - What is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2? (C)
1:27:12 - Is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2 in empowering Peter to preach the Gospel? - No, if we are speaking at the exegetical level.
1:31:30 - What is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2? (D) as it relates to AUTHORIAL INTENT
1:31:53 - If you can't cite a verse to ground your view, then your interpretation is invalid.
1:33:45 - Exegetical Reflection Question: "Where are you seeing this in that verse?"
1:38:23 - Exegesis, when done rightly, does not invalidate theological truth; nonetheless, the author of each book of the Bible had a specific message and purpose (not to be overshadowed by our existing theological framework)
1:39:12 - The danger of "eisegesis" (inserting meaning into the text) is because this is also how heresies enter into the Church; only Exegesis can correct this error.
1:44:26 - What is the Holy Spirit's specific function in Acts 2? (E) CONCLUSION
1:48:52 - How even good doctrine (Calvinism) can be twisted at the level of application if we neglect our exegesis
1:52:24 - My Dream: That Every Christian is Equipped to Exegete the Bible and Feed Themselves Daily in the Word of God
1:39:33 - "Sola Scriptura" means Exegesis as the grounding of Theology
1:40:42 - Give me the Text and proper Exegesis (not just human opinion without exegesis)
1:42:47 - What does the Bible say "in general" makes no sense; the only sure grounding of our theology is exegesis
1:43:12 - What is sound doctrine? (It came from exegesis!)