
【4K】爽やかな新緑と癒しBGM - VOL.1(鳥のさえずり・川のせせらぎ)疲れた心身の回復・リラックス効果・勉強中や作業用、目覚めの朝や眠れない夜にもどうぞ。

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Please heal your physical and mental fatigue with healing music and beautiful fresh greenery. The refreshing greenery and nature will relax your feelings. In addition, the chirping of birds and the murmuring of the river will heal your heart. Great for awakening mornings and work.
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   / @studio-navi  
▼ Purchase with Blu-ray Disc version

I hope you will feel at ease even a little.
Calm down while listening to healing sounds in your room for viewing, working, studying, or when you wake up in the morning or sleep. It recovers and improves daily stress and physical and mental fatigue. Since it has 4K high image quality, it can be screened on a large screen TV to help create an interior space for stores, hospitals (waiting rooms), facilities, offices, etc.
Location: Wakayama prefecture, Nara prefecture, Kagawa prefecture, Fukui prefecture, Hiroshima prefecture

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Healing video studio

ASMR, Relax, Natural sound, Healing, Japan

Sound usage site: www.videoblocks.com/
License: www.studio-navi.com/navi-videoblocks-agreement

#Healing music #Healing BGM #Natural landscape #Fresh green #ASMR
