[東方 Remix] Touhou 7 : Necrofantasia
A lot of thought was made in this remix... totally
when i first started, i genuinely didn't like how it sounded, but i kept going and... yeah, here we are
I think it sounds just ok now, not bad, ya know?
Anyway, The extension was... a lot different when it was still WIP, Definitely. And it was way too long, I managed to get a workaround thankfully. I'm just glad i could insert one, lol
On another note, i also tried to get that first few seconds of ran's theme in as an extension but it ended up weird and it doesn't fit at all and it would've been way too long so i just dumped that idea
The ending is also... Well, Almost dumped, So that's another fun fact
Please take a seat and enjoy the show!
Opinions appreciated.
This theme was requested by VonK!
Thank You! I hope you like it!
[東方] Touhou Project by ZUN
Touhou Youyoumu - Perfect Cherry Blossom
Composed by ZUN
Midi arranged by ZUN
Remixed & Rearranged by W.D Kuroze
Midi Visualizer made in Midifall
Gameplay video recorded by Cesar Rodas
• Yukari Yakumo - PCB Phantasm mode (Sa...
Download (mp3/192kbps) : drive.google.com/file/d/1kjfOMfNs_JnvN18yA-vVnKDW1…
Soundcloud : [To be added]
Instr List :
~~Lead Instruments~~
Romantic Tp - THFont
Reed Romance - SD90
Square Wave - Custom (3xOsc)
Solo Violin - P2 Instruments
Clavinova Bright - Titanic GM/GS
Celesta - General Midi
~~Background Instruments~~
ChampainSYNC - Chris Preset Vol2 (Synth1)
Pure Guitar - FG460s II Guitar Pack
Strings CX4 - Merlin Orchestra v1.40
Choir Aahs Section - Titanic GM/GS
Slides - Spectrasonics Bass Legends
(Clean + Muted Guitar) - TALGR [Amped]
Rocker - Spectrasonics Bass Legends
ROOM - SGM v2.01
POWER - General Midi
Wind - SGM v2.01
Grv Crash 01 [Reversed]
Grv Crash 02
~~Chen Ending~~
Flute - THFont
Bright Grand Piano - General Montage
Tremolo Guitar - FG460s II Guitar Pack
Strings - SGM v2.01
Acoustic Bass - THFont
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There's nothing much in it really, just my junks
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