
Gracies Interview Series: In Conversation with Emily Turner, Anchor & Reporter with Action News Jax

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Gracies Interview Series: In Conversation with Emily Turner, Anchor & Reporter with Action News Jax and Leslie Coursey, Manager of Coverage and Content for Action News Jax.

The Gracie Interview Series, presented by NCTA – The Internet and Television Association, serves to strip away the persona and share the grit and wisdom of today’s media professionals. The Alliance for Women in Media has interviewed women and men in media across every industry and job function who have blazed trails for those to come.

This was recorded via Zoom on January 13, 2025.

About Emily Turner: Emily Turner anchors the 4PM newscasts on Action News Jax and is an investigative reporter. She is a Jacksonville native who moved home after working in newsrooms in Mobile, Orlando, Tucson and San Francisco. She has been with the station since July of 2021. She is a two-time Emmy Award winning journalist whose work has also earned her two nation Gracie Awards and a Regional Murrow Award. She has been reporting the news since 2007 and has covered the Gulf oil spill, Trayvon Martin and Casey Anthony cases and wildfires in California. Emily is as busy outside of the newsroom as she is in it. She teaches English as a second language, plays golf, and regularly enrolls in community classes to pick up a new skill. She and her two little boys live on the Southside with a golden retriever they rescued. Emily loves a good story and a good laugh.

About Leslie Coursey: Leslie Coursey is an award-winning journalist from Jacksonville, Florida. She started her career in 1994 at WJKS-TV, working behind the scenes designing graphics and running studio cameras. In 1996, she joined Action News Jax as a producer. She stepped in front of the camera in 2004 as a reporter specializing in court and crime coverage. Since 2014, she's been a part of Action News Jax's management team, heading up the newsroom's assignment desk and digital team. So far in her career, she's won a Murrow Award and an AP award.

About the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation (AWMF): In 1960, the Alliance for Women in Media became the first professional broadcasting organization to establish an educational foundation. The AWMF supports and promotes educational programs, charitable activities and scholarships to benefit the public and media industry. The Foundation also produces nationally acclaimed recognition programs, including the Gracie Awards®, honoring exemplary programming created by, for or about women and individual achievement. The Alliance for Women in Media Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, educational organization. For the latest news on the Gracies, follow The Gracies on Instagram, X, LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information visit www.allwomeninmedia.org/gracies.

About The Gracie Awards
The Gracie Awards is the largest fundraiser of the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation which advances women in media through educational programs and scholarships. The Gracie Awards honors exemplary programming and individual talent created by, for and about women. The Alliance for Women in Media Foundation has created partnerships and joint initiatives with the Emma Bowen Foundation, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), NCTA - The Cable and Telecommunications Association and other organizations that are philosophically aligned with the mission of the Foundation. For more information about The Alliance for Women in Media Foundation and the Gracie Awards please visit allwomeninmedia.org. For the latest news on the Gracies, follow The Gracies on Instagram, X, LinkedIn and Facebook.

For questions, please contact info@allwomeninmedia.org

#allwomeninmedia, #womeninmedia, #media, #allianceforwomeninmedia, #TheGracies, #GracieInterviewSeries, #awm, #awmfoundation
