
#11 | Apache Spark To Snowpark Migration Guide

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Apache Spark to Snowpark/Snowflake migration involves transitioning your data processing and analytics workloads from Apache Spark to Snowpark/Snowflake. Snowpark is an innovative feature provided by Snowflake that enables you to write Spark-like code in languages like Java, Scala, and Python and execute it directly on Snowflake's cloud data platform. This migration allows your team to leverage Snowflake's powerful data warehousing capabilities, including its scalable and performant query engine, built-in data governance, and seamless integration with various data sources.

In this video, you'll learn about creating a migration plan that goes beyond simply transferring Spark syntax to your target platform. We'll explore how to consider various aspects such as the discovery process and implementation approach. By taking a comprehensive approach to migration, you can ensure a smooth transition to your desired platform while addressing all relevant factors for a successful migration.

🚀🚀 Cheat Sheets 🚀🚀
➥ Complete Snowflake Tutorial rebrand.ly/maj4l6x
➥ Complete Snowflake JSON Guide rebrand.ly/d52cef

Medium Blog medium.com/@data-engineering-simplified

Episode-11 Chapters
00:00 Introduction
01:59 Welcome Note
03:24 Apache Spark Project Architecture
05:14 Spark Workload & Dependencies
06:03 Standard Data Flow Diagram With Spark Workload
08:17 Additional Migration Attributes
10:10 Spark Migration & People Side
11:29 Code Migration Vs Data Platform Migration
13:59 Two Different Migration Approach
15:11 Data Source Inventory Process
18:01 Workload Inventory Process
20:00 Approach-1 Migration Scope
24:58 Approach-2 Migration Scope
25:16 Approach-1 Advantages
27:25 Final Migration Path & Approach
29:26 What is next & Thank You Note

🚀🚀 Important Links 🚀🚀
✏ Instagram: www.instagram.com/learn_dataengineering/
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✏ GitHub : github.com/TopperTips
✏ Website: toppertips.com/

🚀 🚀 Everything About Snowpark Playlist 🚀 🚀
✏ Ch-01 What Is Snowpark, Its Introduction & Architecture?    • #01 | What is Snowpark in Snowflake  
✏ Ch-02 What is NOT Snowpark?    • #02 | What Is NOT Snowpark? | Learn o...  .
✏ Ch-03 Who Should Learn Snowpark?    • #03  | Who Should Learn Snowpark?  
✏ Ch-04 Where To Learn Snowpark From?    • #04 |  Where To Learn Snowpark From?  
✏ Ch-05 Can A SQL Developer Learn Snowpark?    • #05 |  How SQL Developer Can Learn Sn...  
✏ Ch-06 Can we write snowpark in Python, Scala or Java Programming Languages?    • #06 |  Snowpark API For Java & Scala ...  
✏ Ch-07 Can I run snowpark in Databricks notebooks?    • #07 | Run Snowpark On Databricks Spar...  
✏ Ch-08 Can Snowpark run inside Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse?    • #08 | How To Deploy & Run Snowpark Py...  
✏ Ch-09 Will Apache Spark Survive?    • #09 | Snowpark Vs. Apache Spark | Wil...  
✏ Ch-10 Snowpark and Future of ADF, Databricks & Azure Synapse Analytics?    • #10 | Snowpark Vs. ADF Vs. Azure Syna...  
✏ Ch-11 Apache Spark to Snowflake Snowpark Migration Roadmap?    • #11 | Apache Spark To Snowpark Migrat...  
✏ Ch-12 Snowpark Python Vs Snowpark Scala Vs. Snowpark Java? (12/12 coming soon...)

🚀 🚀 Other Playlist By Data Engineering Simplified 🚀 🚀
➥ Complete Snowflake Master Class 🌐 bit.ly/snowflake-tutorial
➥ Data Loading In Snowflake Master Class 🌐 bit.ly/load-data-into-snowflake
➥ SnowPro Certification Mock Test Papers 🌐 bit.ly/snowpro-mock-test
➥ SnowPro Certification Guide 🌐 bit.ly/snowpro-certification-v1


Disclaimer: All snowflake-related learning materials and tutorial videos published in this channel are the personal opinions of the data engineering simplified team and they're neither authorised by nor associated
