
DIY Aruco Marker head tracking review and quickstart guide, using Opentrack!

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Hi there, this is our Aruco paper marker head tracking review and quickstart guide for sim racers. I wasn't able to find any comprehensive YouTube video content on this type of head tracking, so I decided the sim racing community deserved to learn more about it. Spoiler alert, it's damn good!

▶ Download Opentrack: github.com/opentrack/opentrack/releases
▶ Download Aruco marker image: github.com/opentrack/opentrack/blob/unstable/contr…
▶ 3D printed Aruco holder: www.thingiverse.com/search?q=Aruco+Marker

00:00 Intro
01:44 Quick Start Guide
05:47 Large Aruco marker test
08:05 Medium Aruco marker test
10:10 Small Aruco marker test
11:35 Summary and final words

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